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open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, @Nullable hints: Map<EncodeHintType, out Any>): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, isShowText: Boolean, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, isShowText: Boolean, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, @Nullable hints: Map<EncodeHintType, out Any>, isShowText: Boolean): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, @Nullable hints: Map<EncodeHintType, out Any>, isShowText: Boolean, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
open fun createBarCode(@NonNull content: String, @NonNull format: BarcodeFormat, desiredWidth: Int, desiredHeight: Int, @Nullable hints: Map<EncodeHintType, out Any>, isShowText: Boolean, textSize: Int, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
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open fun createQRCode(@NonNull content: String, size: Int, @Nullable logo: Bitmap, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0 ) ratio: Float): Bitmap
open fun createQRCode(@NonNull content: String, size: Int, @Nullable logo: Bitmap, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0 ) ratio: Float, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
open fun createQRCode(@NonNull content: String, size: Int, @Nullable logo: Bitmap, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0 ) ratio: Float, @Nullable hints: Map<EncodeHintType, out Any>, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
open fun createQRCode(@NonNull content: String, size: Int, @Nullable logo: Bitmap, @ColorInt codeColor: Int): Bitmap
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open fun parseCodeResult(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, @Nullable hints: Map<DecodeHintType, Any>): Result
open fun parseCodeResult(source: LuminanceSource, @Nullable hints: Map<DecodeHintType, Any>): Result
open fun parseCodeResult(@NonNull bitmapPath: String, @Nullable hints: Map<DecodeHintType, Any>): Result
open fun parseCodeResult(@NonNull bitmapPath: String, reqWidth: Int, reqHeight: Int, @Nullable hints: Map<DecodeHintType, Any>): Result
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