
open inner class DownloadBinder : Binder



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val DUMP_TRANSACTION: Int = 1598311760
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val FLAG_ONEWAY: Int = 1
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val INTERFACE_TRANSACTION: Int = 1598968902
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val LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION: Int = 16777215
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val LIKE_TRANSACTION: Int = 1598835019
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val PING_TRANSACTION: Int = 1599098439
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val TWEET_TRANSACTION: Int = 1599362900


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open fun attachInterface(owner: IInterface, descriptor: String)
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open fun dump(fd: FileDescriptor, args: Array<String>)
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open fun dumpAsync(fd: FileDescriptor, args: Array<String>)
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open fun linkToDeath(recipient: IBinder.DeathRecipient, flags: Int)
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open fun pingBinder(): Boolean
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open fun queryLocalInterface(descriptor: String): IInterface
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open fun start(@NonNull config: UpdateConfig)
open fun start(@NonNull config: UpdateConfig, @Nullable callback: UpdateCallback)
open fun start(@NonNull config: UpdateConfig, @Nullable httpManager: IHttpManager, @Nullable callback: UpdateCallback)
open fun start(@NonNull config: UpdateConfig, @Nullable httpManager: IHttpManager, @Nullable callback: UpdateCallback, @Nullable notification: INotification)
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fun transact(code: Int, data: Parcel, reply: Parcel, flags: Int): Boolean
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open fun unlinkToDeath(recipient: IBinder.DeathRecipient, flags: Int): Boolean