Package-level declarations


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fun ClassicRefreshFooter(state: UltraSwipeRefreshState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, tipContent: @Composable () -> String = { obtainFooterTipContent(state) }, tipTime: @Composable () -> String = { obtainLastLoadTime(state) }, tipContentStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default.copy( fontSize = 15.sp, color = Color(0xFF666666) ), tipTimeStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default.copy( fontSize = 12.sp, color = Color(0xFF999999) ), tipTimeVisible: Boolean = true, paddingValues: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(12.dp), arrowIconPainter: Painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.usr_classic_arrow), loadingIconPainter: Painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.usr_classic_refreshing), iconSize: Dp = 24.dp, iconColorFilter: ColorFilter? = null)


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fun ClassicRefreshHeader(state: UltraSwipeRefreshState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, tipContent: @Composable () -> String = { obtainHeaderTipContent(state) }, tipTime: @Composable () -> String = { obtainLastRefreshTime(state) }, tipContentStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default.copy( fontSize = 15.sp, color = Color(0xFF666666) ), tipTimeStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default.copy( fontSize = 12.sp, color = Color(0xFF999999) ), tipTimeVisible: Boolean = true, paddingValues: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(12.dp), arrowIconPainter: Painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.usr_classic_arrow), loadingIconPainter: Painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.usr_classic_refreshing), iconSize: Dp = 24.dp, iconColorFilter: ColorFilter? = null)
