Package-level declarations


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class KVCache


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属性委托 Boolean

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属性委托 ByteArray

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属性委托 Double

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class KVCachePropertyFloat(key: String?, defaultValue: Float) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, Float>

属性委托 Float

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class KVCachePropertyInt(key: String?, defaultValue: Int) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, Int>

属性委托 Int

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class KVCachePropertyLong(key: String?, defaultValue: Long) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, Long>

属性委托 Long

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class KVCachePropertyParcelable<T : Parcelable>(key: String?, tClass: Class<T>, defaultValue: T?) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T?>

属性委托 Parcelable

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class KVCachePropertyString(key: String?, defaultValue: String?) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, String?>

属性委托 String

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属性委托 Set


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inline fun <T : Parcelable> kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: T? = null): KVCachePropertyParcelable<T>
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Boolean = false): KVCachePropertyBoolean
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: ByteArray? = null): KVCachePropertyByteArray
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Double = 0.0): KVCachePropertyDouble
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Float = 0.0f): KVCachePropertyFloat
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Int = 0): KVCachePropertyInt
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Long = 0): KVCachePropertyLong
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: String? = null): KVCachePropertyString
fun kvCache(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Set<String>? = null): KVCachePropertyStringSet
fun <T : Parcelable> kvCache(key: String? = null, tClass: Class<T>, defaultValue: T? = null): KVCachePropertyParcelable<T>
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fun kvCacheBoolean(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Boolean = false): KVCachePropertyBoolean
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fun kvCacheByteArray(key: String? = null, defaultValue: ByteArray? = null): KVCachePropertyByteArray
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fun kvCacheDouble(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Double = 0.0): KVCachePropertyDouble
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fun kvCacheFloat(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Float = 0.0f): KVCachePropertyFloat
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fun kvCacheInt(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Int = 0): KVCachePropertyInt
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fun kvCacheLong(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Long = 0): KVCachePropertyLong
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inline fun <T : Parcelable> kvCacheParcelable(key: String? = null, defaultValue: T? = null): KVCachePropertyParcelable<T>
fun <T : Parcelable> kvCacheParcelable(key: String? = null, tClass: Class<T>, defaultValue: T? = null): KVCachePropertyParcelable<T>
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fun kvCacheString(key: String? = null, defaultValue: String? = null): KVCachePropertyString
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fun kvCacheStringSet(key: String? = null, defaultValue: Set<String>? = null): KVCachePropertyStringSet